Dr Berhan M. Ahmed (Shiday) is the Victorian Australian of the year 2009, current Chairperson of the African Think Tank and Adjunct Professor at the university of Melbourne & Victoria University in Australia and current founder & CEO of Africause youth & Community services. He is well-known to many African residing in Australia, through his commitment to numerous community issues via mainstream media. First African Australian Senate Candidate for federal election 2004 for Victoria. Dr. Ahmed was ex-Board member for AMES 2007 – 2015 and committee member of Victoria Police Human Right Committee. Dr Ahmed is the founder of Victoria Police diversity recruitment project and founder of the Victoria University African & Multicultural teachers sponsorship to be secondary school teachers.
Dr Ahmed is motivated by five core principles - social justice, sustainability development, Aboriginal reconciliation, building stronger and dynamic communities and applying democracy in action. His current leadership role in ATT is to explore new ways of engaging African Australians in participation, decision and eliminate the culture of cover up and continued hostility and lack of co-operation among community members. The African Australian communities will also engage with other communities to create harmony and good image of the African Australians in Australia.